Savings Calculators
The more money you save today, the more you’ll have for tomorrow. Use our free savings calculators to reach your financial goals today!
Terms |
Min. Opening Deposit |
APY* |
Terms 5-month |
Min. Opening Deposit $5,000* |
APY* 4.00% |
Terms 6-month |
Min. Opening Deposit $1,000 |
APY* 0.15% |
Terms 9-month |
Min. Opening Deposit $1,000** |
APY* 3.50% |
Terms 12-month |
Min. Opening Deposit $1,000 |
APY* 0.20% |
Terms 24-month |
Min. Opening Deposit $1,000 |
APY* 0.25% |
Terms 36-month |
Min. Opening Deposit $1,000 |
APY* 0.25% |
Terms 48-month |
Min. Opening Deposit $1,000 |
APY* 0.30% |
Terms 60-month |
Min. Opening Deposit $1,000 |
APY* 0.65% |
Product |
Min. Opening Deposit |
Min. Daily Balance to Earn APY |
APY* |
Product Regular Share |
Min. Opening Deposit $20 |
Min. Daily Balance to Earn APY None |
APY* 0.05% |
Product Individual Retirement Account |
Min. Opening Deposit $100 |
Min. Daily Balance to Earn APY None |
APY* 0.20% |
Balance |
Min. Opening Deposit |
Min. Daily Balance to Earn APY† |
APY* |
Balance $0 - $2,499.99 |
Min. Opening Deposit $2,500 |
Min. Daily Balance to Earn APY† None |
APY* 0.05% |
Balance $2,500- $24,999.99 |
Min. Opening Deposit $2,500 |
Min. Daily Balance to Earn APY† $2,500 |
APY* 0.07% |
Balance $25,000- $49,999.99 |
Min. Opening Deposit $2,500 |
Min. Daily Balance to Earn APY† $25,000 |
APY* 0.18% |
Balance $50,000- $99,999.99 |
Min. Opening Deposit $2,500 |
Min. Daily Balance to Earn APY† $50,000 |
APY* 0.18% |
Balance $100,000 and above |
Min. Opening Deposit $2,500 |
Min. Daily Balance to Earn APY† $100,000 |
APY* 0.18% |
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