Hawaii State FCU Incentivizes Members to Vote in Board Election to Support PBS Hawaii

February 26, 2018

$5 will be donated for every online vote, up to $10,000

HONOLULU — Hawaii State Federal Credit Union’s (Hawaii State FCU) 2018 Board of Directors election to fill two vacant seats is paired with a unique giving campaign that incentivizes its 100,000-plus members to cast their ballots online. For every online vote cast, Hawaii State FCU will donate $5 to PBS Hawaii, up to $10,000. The election runs from February 22 to March 18.

Since 2015, Hawaii State FCU’s Board of Directors election giving campaign has raised a total of $35,000 in donations to support local nonprofits such as Big Brothers Big Sisters Hawaii, Kapiolani Children’s Miracle Network and Make-a-Wish Hawaii.

“Aside from giving our member-owners the opportunity to vote for a board that represents their interests as owners of the credit union, they appreciate the fact that by simply voting online they can support a worthy local nonprofit,” said Andrew Rosen, president and CEO of Hawaii State FCU. “We recognize the quality of PBS Hawaii’s diverse local storytelling and educational programming. Our giving campaign is a win-win for both our community and our members.”

Board members, who serve three-year terms, work closely with the credit union’s management team to develop quality products and services and make strategic operational decisions that serve the financial needs of the membership. This year’s nominees include Rochelle Lee Gregson, previous chair of the credit union’s nominating committee; Monica Toguchi Ryan, owner of Highway Inn; Ryan Morita, current board vice chairperson; and Joshua Strickler, member of Hawaii State FCU’s supervisory committee.

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