Hawaii State FCU Appoints Highway Inn Owner to Board of Directors, Donates $10,000 to PBS Hawaii

April 26, 2018

HONOLULU — Hawaii State Federal Credit Union (Hawaii State FCU) announced that Monica Toguchi Ryan has joined its Board of Directors. Toguchi Ryan will serve a three-year term along with chairman Ryan Morita, who was re-elected for his second term.

Toguchi Ryan is a third-generation owner of Highway Inn, a Hawaiian food establishment and one of the largest woman-owned businesses in Hawaii. She has extensive experience operating and developing growth opportunities for small businesses. Toguchi Ryan is a former recipient of Hawaii State FCU’s annual scholarship program.

Morita has been appointed chairman of the board after serving two years as vice chair. He currently works for the state Department of Business, Economic Development & Tourism’s Renewable Energy Branch, and previously worked for the state Hawaii Housing Finance & Development Corporation, Office of Hawaiian Affairs and Department of Transportation.

$10,000 Donation to PBS Hawaii

As part of its annual Board of Director election giving tradition, Hawaii State FCU presented a check for $10,000 to PBS Hawaii. Since 2015, Hawaii State FCU has linked its board elections to members casting a vote online to help benefit a local nonprofit, donating $45,000 over the past four years. The credit union committed contributing $5 for every online ballot received during the 2018 election, up to $10,000.

“What makes membership at a credit union so rewarding is the opportunity to make your voice heard and vote for a board who will guide our organization for years to come. Because our members decided to take an active role by voting (online), thanks to them we’ve been able to reach our goal and donate $10,000 toward promoting diverse storytelling and educational programming at PBS Hawaii,” said Andrew Rosen, president and CEO of Hawaii State FCU. “We’re also pleased to welcome Monica to our board and congratulate Ryan on his re-election. Their expertise in finance and business operations will be an asset as we strive to provide our members with greater value, helpful resources and financial guidance that help them achieve their goals.”

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