Keeping Your Online Accounts Secure

With the pandemic, people have flocked to online services more than ever before. Chances are you’ve recently purchased an item, paid a bill, or checked your financial accounts online or through a mobile app. Online services are quick, convenient and can be accessed from the safety of your home. But they can also create an opportunity for identity thieves to attempt to access your information. Fortunately, there are simple things that you can do to maintain better security and keep your personal information from falling into the wrong hands.
- Avoid using personal information, such as your name or significant dates (like your birthday), as part of your username or password. This type of information is easier for identity thieves to obtain or guess.
- Use strong and unique passwords – for example, a phrase that only you would know and remember. When creating a password, here are some best practices:
– Make sure your password is at least 12 or more characters
– Use upper and lower case letters and numbers
– Include special characters (ex: !, @ or ?, etc.)
– Example: IloveHSfcU2021! - Periodically update your login credentials and never use the same one for multiple online sites. Also, consider using different email address for different online accounts. That way, if there is a security breach on one site, your account information can’t be used to access your accounts on other sites.
- Keep the Operating Systems (OS) on your electronic devices up to date, as hackers use vulnerabilities in unpatched or dated operating systems.
- Periodically clear your internet cache and cookies as they may contain sensitive information and data. Avoid using public wi-fi when accessing your online accounts.
Hawaii State FCU is committed to providing you with convenient, secure access to your accounts through Online Banking and our Mobile App1. Our digital banking platforms allow you to pay bills, transfer funds, check account balances, deposit checks2, schedule appointments, and more. To maintain a safer online experience, here are a few things to remember:
- Hawaii State FCU employees cannot view your online account password and will never ask you for your password.
- For the best Online Banking experience and security, utilize the latest versions of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, or Microsoft Edge when on the platform.
- Only download the HSFCU Mobile App from a trusted source, such as Apple or the Google Play stores.
- Most importantly – Do not share your login credentials or access code with anyone!
For more information on maintaining a more secure online presence, check out some additional tips on Protecting Your Accounts. And don’t forget to take Hawaii State FCU with you wherever you go with 24/7 access to your accounts through Online Banking or by downloading our HSFCU Mobile App.
1. Hawaii State FCU Mobile App is free to all Hawaii State FCU members. An internet-enabled mobile device is required to access Hawaii State FCU Mobile App. Available only for Android™, iPhone® and iPad® devices. iPhone® and iPad® is a trademark of Apple® Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc. Android is a trademark of Google Inc. Standard messaging and data usage fees apply. Please contact your carrier for details.
2. Mobile Check Deposit feature is available in Hawaii State FCU Mobile App version and higher. For consumer deposit accounts only.