Celebrating Financial Literacy Month

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April is Financial Literacy Month, which makes it a great time to remember why financial knowledge and education are the keys to maintaining good financial health. A solid understanding of concepts such as budgeting, credit and savings can help you make better financial decisions in the future.

Looking to take some steps towards better financial literacy? Here are some simple things that you can do:

  • Make Budgeting a Monthly Habit: Creating a budget is a great way to better understand your monthly expenses and spending limitations. Knowing where your money goes each month can help you plan or change spending habits to accommodate future expenses, like going on your dream vacation.
  • Visit Wallet Wisdom: Our Wallet Wisdom site has a wealth of financial education tools and resources, including free online courses, budgeting calculators and articles on everything from finding the best auto loan to budget-friendly recipes.
  • Register for a Free Webinar: We offer free webinars on topics such as, setting financial goals, buying a home, understanding credit and more. Topics change monthly; visit our Events page to see a list of upcoming webinars and register today! 

For more financial literacy tips and resources, visit Wallet Wisdom or follow us on Instagram @hawaiistatefcu.

About HSFCU Marketing

Hawaii State FCU firmly believes that financial education empowers people to make smarter decisions throughout their lives, resulting in a better financial future. We do this by providing useful financial tools such as educational blogs, online courses and free webinars on a variety of topics including planning for retirement, debt management and buying a home. For more information on these and other resources, including free financial calculators and budget-friendly recipes, visit www.HawaiiStateFCU.com and click on “Financial Health.”

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